We are ALL guilty of this if we have a blog, post on facebook, do the twitter thing or any other type of mass communication medium. We post something that in order to illicit some sort of sympathetic response for ourselves. For example "I watched some family lose everything they owned to floods AND fire on the news last night and couldn't sleep for fear of me losing everything. Now I have to go out to dinner with friends but am too tired." as a status. Now after reading a status like that, I want to absolutely destroy this person verbally but proper (yet insane) protocol would dictate that we post "awww... you're soooooooo sensitive and such a great person" or something sappy to that effect. Now this might be a bit of an extreme status but there are actually people out there that post this kind of thing... and not only once or twice but something to this effect nearly EVERY STATUS!
Now, this is the thing that REALLY bothers me. People using this social medium ALL THE TIME for inane status posting that are nothing but "Poor Me" type bullshit. Everyone's entitled to a "Poor Me" status once in awhile but if your life is so screwed up that you whine in nearly every status, probably the first step of fixing it is to get off the damn computer or cut your data plan on your cell phone! And here's something else to think about, I know in my household, if one person is having a bad day, it tends to spread by being in proximity to that person. Think what you would be doing on a global scale by posting whiny posts all the bloody time!! You could be the epicenter of a global funk!! SHAME ON YOU!!!