Monday, February 28, 2011

Vein Popper # 207 - Pretending to be impressed

This one really drives me nuts because I'm finding I'm doing it without even realizing it! We've all been there and done it so don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about. It could be over anything from someones' cooking to a childs' accomplishment. If you don't "ooooh" and "ahhhh", it's percieved as rude. GIVE ME A BREAK!! Not EVERYTHING can be the pinnacle of perfection!! There is a lot more mountain below those snow caps then above it! YEESH!

Side note: EVERYTHING my wife and kids do is perfection to me. I'm referring to everyone else.

Vein Popper #94 - Little bowls of water with a lemon in them at Swiss Chalet

They taste awful. N'uff said.

Vein Popper #9 - Being told how I should think and feel

Why is it that when most people have an opinion of something, they feel the need that this opinion be shared by everyone?? This is such a broad topic it's hard to get into but it includes biggies like religious and political beliefs right down to how something tastes good or bad! THEY ARE OPINIONS!! That means there doesn't have to be any rational facts behind them!!! They are for the most part completely subjective! This means to all you people having a hard time grasping this simple premise, that when I say Broccoli tastes like crap to me... it is NOT an opening for you to say how good it tastes! I was voicing my opinion which doesn't have to be right or wrong. I was NOT starting a dialouge in which you state all the universal benefits of having a diet consisting of produce that doesn't cast a shadow! So when I or anyone gives their opinion about something and they don't stare at you expecting a response, just LET IT GO! Don't say a word even if you disagree! It simply isn't worth the effort!

I could really drone on and on about this one and give a thousand examples but I'm kinda lazy... and I like that about myself!

PS. I'll have you all know I eat broccoli to set an example for my kids... still think it tastes like crap though.

Vein Popper #24 - Falling off the roof

Whether you land in a snowbank or in the bushes, falling off the roof still hurts! I've become an old pro at it myself but as I find I get older, "tuck & roll" has been replaced with "go limp". It's just easier! And no matter how you land, at the age i'm at now, things don't heal so quickly!!

Stupid ice on the stupid roof. Why can't I leave my Christmas lights up all year round!?!

Vein Popper #38 - Overly cautious drivers

I suffer this one nearly daily on my trip to and from work in the winter. It happens when there is a little bit of snow on the road or it's snowing a little bit outside. All of a sudden these people now have to drive no faster then 60 k/hr on the highways and break hard every time a car is coming from the opposite direction!

The way I see it, these people would do everyone else on the road a great service if they did 1 of 3 things... 1. SPEED UP YOU JACKASS!, 2. Run yourself into the ditch so you get off the road AND give us something to talk about when we get to work, and 3. Don't even leave the house!

This is Canada. WE GET SNOW! This is also a county that tends to get A LOT OF SNOW! Learn to drive in it or don't drive in it at all!

I'm not saying drive like a bullet shot out of a gun stuck up the ass of a bat out of hell! Even driving the set speed limit and not breaking for oncoming traffic would be fine!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Vein Popper #113 - Wrong way at the pumps

How hard is it to follow simple instructions in the form of 6' arrows painted on the ground indicating which direction to be facing while pulling up to gas pumps.... APPARENTLY PRETTY FRIGGIN HARD!!! Morons that pull up to the pumps in the opposite direction to the arrows really pisses me off! ESPECIALLY IF THERE IS A LINE ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE PUMPS!! What is it with these people?? Do they think they are so above other people the rules don't apply to them... or are they genuinely that STUPID that they don't understand simple arrows?? And if that is the case... HOW DID THEY GET THEIR LICENCES?!? Love to see how these morons do on a round-a-bout!

Vein Popper #18 - Wind Turbines

They are a pipe dream. They are expensive, inefficient at converting wind into energy and create energy at only windy periods which don't tend to be peak times. You do the math. If you still think they are a good idea... then you are too stupid to do basic math and belong in a hut built of mud... which incidentally doesn't need electricity.

Vein Popper #267 - The "One Upper"

Everyone knows at least one of these people... and probably has been guilty of it at least a few times in their life. It's the person that hears a story from someone and tries to top it. I don't mind this if we're talking about funny stories because even if it is untrue, it's usually a good laugh.

What bugs me though is if you legitimatly don't feel well or something bad has happened to you and you might be looking for just a little sympathy or understanding, but instead get a jerkoff that has to immediately go into a story about how bad THIER life is right now and wishes they only had your problems. WHAT THE HELL YOU STUPID JERK?!?! If it was so bad, why didn't you complain before?!? You just HAD to wait until someone else said something?? I hope whatever is bugging you lays eggs in your brain, those eggs hatch, and they all release some sort of horrible gas that smells AWFUL as they chomp away on your grey matter!

Vein Popper #48 - Butter where there should be NO butter

Alright... I don't like butter unless it's on popcorn or corn. THAT'S FRIGGIN IT! I hate it when it's on sandwiches... I hate it when it's on a hamburger bun... and I REALLY hate it when there is gobs of it in a jam jar or peanut butter jar. And HOW did it get there you may ask?? From the moron who THINKS butter should be on everything so ruins a perfectly good piece of toast with it THEN uses the same damn knife and dips it into the bloody jam jar!!??!! THAT'S DISGUSTING AND RUDE!!!! Use a different knife!! It looks like there is floating pieces of white boogers in the Jam after you've done that!!!

Vein Popper #190 - Award Shows

For the most part, every award show is a total load of crap! That includes the Oscars, Emmy's, Juno's, and every other piece of self serving, indulgent piece of crap out there that has "Best picture", "Best Director", "Best... ". And the only thing worse then these idiotic shows is the people who watch them and think they are great!

The only type of award that might actually mean something is if everyone got to vote on the particular Movie/Show/Actor/etc. I believe that's what they kind of do on the Peoples Choice awards and a possibly the awards on Space channel. Other then that, it's a bunch of people sitting around deciding what other people should think is the best! WHAT A LOAD OF GARBAGE!!

Vein Popper #75 - Sold out of flyer specials... ON THE FIRST DAY!

What the hell?!?! Most stores learn about the flyer specials well in advance of the sale so they can order appropriately. Unfortunately I tend to go to stores where they have a retard doing the ordering and don't order enough of the product(or any at all!) that is going to be on sale AND will likely be a big seller! When you ask them about the product in question, they look at you like a monkey doing a math problem and say "I'm not sure why we don't have that product?... we should...". NO FRIGGIN DUH MACHIAVELLI!!

What irks me more though with regards to this situation is when the store does order the product but a bunch of family members of the cashiers come in the day before the sale and clean the place out before the sale even comes on!! These people (and the cashiers) should be strung up and beaten to death with the products they ripped off by the people that waited patiently for the sale to even begin!

Vein Popper #231 - Pictures in Facebook

At the risk of being a hypocrite (because I'm too lazy to go back through my own photos!), People who post pictures on facebook with no caption explaining where/when it is!!... AND... they don't even bother rotating the picture so I don't have to crank my neck to view them!!

COME ON PEOPLE!! It's not bloody rocket science!! Don't be bloody lazy and just throw in pics all higgly-piggly and expect people to know where they were taken or what they are refering to!! GAWD THAT PISSES ME OFF!

Vein Popper #103 - Story Lines in a Porn Flick

This one is pretty much a no brainer! Does the average porn watcher REALLY need a story line? Does it make the experience all that much better if we know WHY that girl in pig tails and a naughty catholic school girl outfit has a problem keeping her knickers up for any guy (and sometimes a girl) that has a heartbeat?? I say "NO!!".

If anything... there should be LESS story lines and more chapters in the dvd's to get to the good spots!!... say every 30 seconds??