I'd like to find one person this little scenario doesn't piss off! You put your change into a vending machine, you push in the buttons, you watch that delicious treat inch ever so slightly to the edge... then nothing. It bloody well hangs there!
Once this occurs, 3 things tend to happen right afterwards.
1. You hit the buttons again hoping it's just a programming error. It NEVER is. This step is futile but whatever.
2. You look around to make sure no one is watching, then shake the machine like a madman. This on occasion works and is why we do it. Hell, sometimes you don't even need to put money in and it still works!
3. So shaking the machine hasn't worked... that leaves one option. You walk away shaking your head. When you get about 10 paces away, you hurridly turn around and take a run at the damn thing, throwing yourself into the air and become a 300lbs ballistic gorilla in sugar withdrawal! This almost never works though because those stupid machines are made from some kind of polycarbonate (bullet proof glass). More often then not, this little tactic knocks all the junk food to the back of the machine and your local social club members come out running to make sure their money maker is alright!
All in all, the best thing to do if the machine ate your money is just leave it alone. You're shoulder and possibly your head will thank you.
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